Meet our Faculty

  • Divina Cruz

    Head of School, Primary Directress, & Founding Teacher

    My Montessori Story

    “In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.” Prov 3:6

    Becoming a teacher was not the path that I thought that I would take; it was my plan to become an attorney. After a year of law school and working as a summer research assistant for one of my professors, I came to the realization that becoming a lawyer was not what I was called to do. Throughout high school and college, I had focused on this goal and when I left law school, I felt lost and without purpose. My father, a devout Catholic, always said to me as I was growing up, “Remember your Number One.” I knew he meant to remember to put God as the first priority in my life. This lack of direction required the guidance of the Holy Spirit and my father encouraged me to pray and promised to pray for me. I believe that it was his intercessory prayers asking the Lord to guide me in finding my path that led me to discover the Montessori approach, and eventually, to this journey of starting a Catholic Montessori school.

    During the next few months, I spent time in reflection and what was revealed was a desire to work with children that was planted in high school. Once God revealed His plan for me, I began to research different options and happened upon Montessori. A friend had encouraged me to attend an open house at the local Montessori training center to learn more about this method of educating children. This marked the beginning of my Montessori journey.

    Getting My Montessori Credentials

    In 1997, I began working as a primary assistant where I observed the beauty and power of this method of education. This experience prompted me to take Montessori training. I completed the Early Children (3-6) Credential through the American Montessori Society (AMS) while simultaneously completing my Masters in Arts in Education. After working for several years as a Primary teacher, I became pregnant with my first child which prompted me to take my Infant-Toddler (0-3) AMS training. In preparation for the birth of my daughter, I created a Montessori home environment to support her fullest potential. When my older daughter began first grade, I noticed her developmental shift into “the second plane of development”. In my curiosity and a desire to best understand my children, I continued my training and earned my Lower Elementary (6-9) AMS Credential and then my Elementary (6-12) Diploma through the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).

    While teaching at the local Montessori training center in an elementary classroom, the Executive Director asked if I would be willing to serve the organization as the Practicum Coordinator. In this role, I would support adult learners during their student teaching year and also work with Heads of School to create additional support for their student teachers. Since leaving the classroom and stepping down as the Practicum Coordinator, I continue to work with Montessori schools in the private and public sectors. Currently, I serve as a Montessori consultant assisting schools seeking AMS School Accreditation, a Faculty Presenter on Montessori Philosophy and Early Childhood Mathematics, a Field Consultant and the Early Childhood Advisor to student teachers, and as a Montessori Coach to best support lead teachers in their work with children.

    Discovering Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

    In my journey to best understand Montessori education, I was introduced to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) through my Infant-Toddler mentor, a trained CGS catechist. This devout, wise Catholic woman, encouraged me to begin thinking about how to catechize my older daughter. She mentioned that there was a Montessori approach to faith formation. It was through her encouragement that I began to seek an atrium to enroll my daughter and later, in my desire to impart the Catholic faith to my children, I felt called to take the Level I training and to serve as a catechist in my younger daughter’s atrium.

    The Idea of Blessed Family Montessori Is Born

    It was at this training, that the seeds of opening a Catholic Montessori school took root and a renewal of my desire to follow the path that God has set.

  • Kathleen Ryan

    Director of Faith Formation & Founding Teacher

    My Montessori Story

    “….but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:11-13 NKJV

    My Montessori journey began the first time I heard that “still small voice.” This was the first time I had earnestly sought and waited for an answer from God. While co-discerning and conversing with my sister-in-law, I became aware of a word rising up from within, the word “Montessori.” Unsure of what it meant, we googled it and it was like the classic Charlie Brown response: “That's it!”

    The journey to that epiphany took a meandering route. Unsure of what career to pursue, I eventually chose a field in which I could easily find a job. Since I was good at math and science, engineering fit the bill. Upon graduation, I searched for satisfaction in a variety of diverse jobs. When I finally reached the end of myself, I sought God’s will and He graciously revealed Montessori education.

    Once the Montessori heart string had been struck, I began assisting in a Montessori Early Childhood environment. Seeing the children wholeheartedly construct themselves, within a brilliantly prepared environment, compelled me to become a primary Montessori guide. After 10 years of serving 3 to 6 year olds, I once again heard the calling of that “still small voice,” leading me to become a guide for elementary children.

    By far, the most satisfying and transformational part of my journey has been my ongoing formation as a catechist. Immediately, after completing Early Childhood training, a few colleagues insisted that I join them in a complementary Montessori-based training, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS). During the first day of CGS formation, I wept as I realized the ultimate focus for 3 to 6 year old children is what was missing all along in my own catechesis - an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This experience began my reversion to the Catholic faith and an even deeper listening to the “still small voice.” What we fall in love with really does make all the difference! ( *

    And the voice keeps calling me…. currently, to open a Catholic Montessori school. What inspires me to persevere in pursuit of this God-sized dream is reflecting on the divine moments. Those moments when I was blessed beyond measure to witness the Holy Spirit move children to profound concentration, peace, and joy as their relationship with the Lord deepened. Oh, how we underestimate the spiritual capacity of young children!

    My Montessori Credentials

    Summary of Credentials-Years of Experience


    American Montessori Society certification for teaching children 2 & a half to 6 years old

    Over 10 years experience


    Association Montessori International diploma for teaching children 6-12 years old

    6 years experience


    Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd certification for serving 3-6 year olds, 6 to 9 year olds, 9 to 12 year olds.

    6 years experience

    Seminal Infant-Toddler Catechesis Course for catechists serving parents and children 0-3 years of age

  • Marianne Tan

    Elementary Guide

    My Montessori Story

    “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe!” Jeremiah 29:11

    My story starts way back to when I was a child. Ever since I could remember I had wanted to be a teacher. This desire remained persistent throughout my life and was strengthened by the witness of Catholic Filipina immigrant teachers who prayed for their students in public school. I had the privilege of a Catholic education for most of my life and the thread of God was woven throughout my school subjects. I wanted to share that realization with others, that God was not just one part of life but an intimate and active part of every moment of life. Spurred on by that desire, I graduated from the strong Catholic school, University of Mary, with an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education. Almost immediately, I was hired at Catholic schools.

    After my first year teaching 1st grade, I discerned the Lord calling me elsewhere. Not imagining I would ever be in Montessori, He directed me to a Catholic Montessori school, where I worked primarily as an Upper Elementary (9-12) teacher for 3 years. Immediately, I fell in love with the method during Elementary training. When the pandemic hit, I was unable to return to the school and ended up teaching 2nd grade at another Catholic school for 2 years. It was during this time that I discerned and confirmed that I should return to Montessori. The Lord rekindled my connections with the beginnings of Blessed Family Montessori and I am excited and honored to witness and be a part of the Lord’s plan unfolding!